Photo by Erin Patrice O'Brien

What two train lines famously stop at Brooklyn’s Marcy Avenue station? Who is Salt-N-Pepa’s DJ? According to Pete Rock, what do the letters T.R.O.Y. stand for? Who took the Wock to Poland? If you know the answers to these questions, you owe it to yourself to show and prove at the Atrium’s Hip-Hop Trivia Battle. Hosted by Lincoln Center’s Hip-Hop guest curator and the Head of Spotify's Cultural Partnerships division, Xavier “X” Jernigan, this celebration of the culture will test the depths of even the most serious head’s memory of famous MCs, immortal DJs, internationally respected crews and the art of the game. If bragging rights aren’t enough for you, we’ll be giving out prizes to the night’s top scholars. Bring your own squad or roll up solo and we’ll add you to a team for a trivia night face-off where, to quote Kool Moe Dee, Knowledge is King.

David Rubenstein Atrium
1887 Broadway, New York, NY 10023

For ticketing, call CenterCharge at 212-721-6500 from Monday–Saturday 10:00 am–8:00 pm and Sunday noon–6:00 pm.

For general inquiries, call Guest Experience at 212-875-5456 or email [email protected].

The David Rubenstein Atrium is where arts and democracy converge—committed to the values of welcoming all, artistic innovation, audience and artist intimacy, and community partnership. The Atrium’s free programming opens our world to culture that addresses today’s most pressing issues and explores our common humanity. Learn more »


Health & Safety

Accessible seating and designated aisle seats; Accessible restrooms and accessible routes icon
Accessible seating and designated aisle seats; Accessible restrooms and accessible routes
FM assistive listening devices with headsets and neck loops icon
FM assistive listening devices with headsets and neck loops
American Sign Language interpretation icon
American Sign Language interpretation

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