This latest iteration of the now nine-year-long Lincoln Center commission series Voices of a People’s History continues our revitalization of the work of Brooklyn-born author and scholar Howard Zinn. This live event focuses on Zinn's timeless and insightful book, A People’s History of the United States, a document of the vital everyday epics of common men and women engaged in the life and death struggle for justice: abolitionists, activists, protesters, founders of the first American unions, suffragettes who advanced women's rights, and pioneers of gay liberation. All these heroic voices will be brought to life in performance by a chorus of young student activists who have been mentored by artist-activists to find personal meaning in these timeless texts. Joining the students for a special guest reading is actor Tatiana Maslany, as well as musical accompaniment provided by pianist Jacob Yates.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Guest Experience at 212-875-5456 or [email protected].


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